Home: MMA Conditioning: Jiu Jitsu Training


ari bolden

Who is Ari Bolden?

He teach Jiu Jitsu techniques and he is controversial. Some think he stuff is great and some do not. I think he is very good for those looking to learn the basics.

He left the tournament scene for a while, and when he returned he had strong showing.

He is not a black belt, but has a lot of jiu jitsu knowledge.
His main think is making videso. His videso are short but very informative. He is certainly worth looking at, to get some basics on jiu jitsu.

Ari Bolden is the president of Submissions 101, a mma website which is a resource for Jiu Jitsu information. Bolden began the site in 2007.

He is also the owner of 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Victoria which is the home of Submissions 101.

A purple belt under Eddie Bravo, Ari also has a Japanese Jujutsu and Aikido Black Belt. He is also the president of the Jiu Jitsu BC Society which is a group that checks out instructors thoroughly as to their credentials as well as their quality of technique, teaching abilities and verifiable experience.

Bolden has written several books and his website is doing great, one of the most viewed for Jiu Jitsu information. His videos on Jiu Jitsu are the most watched on YouTube. You can see his site here. It has a couple of videos and give a good synopsis of what he does.

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