Home: UFC Fighting: Boxing Trivia


boxing trivia
Stroops Slastix Double Gun Resistance Bands

boxing trivia
Steve Sokol's Super Abs Series Titles

boxing trivia
Stroops Cobra with Handles

boxing trivia
Stroops Takedown Slastix

boxing trivia
XXL Wavemaster Base

boxing trivia
Stroops Accelerator with Power Pull Belt

1. Who was the youngest heavyweight boxer ever to win the World Championship?

(answer: Mike Tyson at the age of 20.)

2. Who was the oldest heavyweight boxer to win the World Championship?

(answer: George Foreman )

3. How many children did George Foreman have and what were their names?

(answer: 11 and ALL of them were named George.)

4. What Boxing weight class is limited to 190 pounds?

(answer: Cruiserweight.)

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